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+---Thema: 11 Uhr News.. Eröffnet von Bastian

Beitrag von: Bastian an 26. 04 2007, 23:25

Coheed And Cambria arbeiten ihrem neuen Album, dass den Namen No World for Tomorrow tragen soll. Es stellt das finale Kapitel der C&C - Saga dar. Bassist Michael Todd, welcher zuvor aus der Band ausgestiegen war, ist jetzt wieder mit dabei.
Amüsante Nachrichten gibt es mal wieder von Horse the Band: Nach deren Ansicht haben Snow Patrol das Konzept ihres neuen Musikvideos beim Horse-the-Band-Video Birdo geklaut. Das extrem unterhaltsame und ebenso lesenswerte Statement der Band findet ihr in den Kommentaren.
Das neue Album der Bad Brains wird Build a Nation heißen und am 26 Juni über Megaforce Records erscheinen.

Beitrag von: Bastian an 26. 04 2007, 23:26

Horse The Band Statement:

OK so we were watching TV last night and this Snow Patrol video for Spiderman 3 comes up, and we're watching it, and all of a sudden things start to seem very similar to our video for Birdo, which we shot in like 2005. Everything from the opening shot to the Asian audience members to the faces the band makes to the action scenes between the kids. And way more. It's like some dude saw the video and made a a $500,000 version of it.

So Snow Patrol is now at the top of the hit list, in front of even Chiodos. Cause Chiodos can think of their own ideas, but they are just bad ones. But Snow Patrol COPIED a really bad idea

Here is their myspace. What they didnt know when they copied us is that we have the largest legion of insane retards (and I mean that in the most endearing way possible) at our disposal in the world. That is you guys. Make me proud! Fuck them up like it's Chiodos with two singers.

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