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+---Thema: Eighteen Visions aufgelöst Eröffnet von Steffen

Beitrag von: Steffen an 09. 04 2007, 23:52

Wie lambgoat.com meldet, haben sich Eighteen Visions nach 10 Jahren Bandgeschichtew aufgelöst. Das Statement der Band liest sich wie folgt:
After several years of touring and quite a few album releases we have decided that it is time to go our seperate ways. We have been a band for a very long time and feel good about everything we were able to accomplish. At this point in our lives and our careers we feel its time to move on to something fresh and new. Whether it be music, touring or just being at home to live and enjoy life. We would like to thank all of our fans, friends and families for all of the great support over the years. We would also like to thank all of the bands we have shared the stage with and everyone who has ever worked with the band, opened a door or reached out a hand. We will be playing our final two shows in April. One in San Diego and one in Orange County. Come rock with us one more time.

Beitrag von: Jonas an 10. 04 2007, 00:07

na das wurde auch langsam mal zeit :D
die nervten mich persönlich seit der obsession nur noch.

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