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Beitrag von: Christian an 01. 02 2007, 12:03

Morgen erscheint endlich das neue Album von Bloc Party. Schon heute kann A Weekend In The City auf der MySpace-< Seite > der Band komplett gestreamt werden.
Josh Appleback, der Bassist von Greely Estates, hat beschlossen die Band zu verlassen. Sein Statement findet ihr in den Kommentaren.
Die Tour der Ashes Of Pompeii wurde noch einmal um einige Konzerte ergänzt. Sämtliche Termine findet ihr noch einmal in den Kommentaren.
United Nations, ein Projekt von Geoff Rickley (Thursday) und Daryl Palumba (Glassjaw/Head Automatica), haben mittlerweile 7-8 Songs fertig gestellt und wollen noch in diesem Jahr ihr Debütalbum veröffentlichen. Ein Statement von Geoff Rickley findet ihr in den Kommentaren.
Linkin Park sind dabei ihrer neuen Platte den letzten Schliff zu verleihen. Im März soll eine Single erscheinen und dann im Frühsommer das noch unbetitelte Album folgen.
Mit Live And Learn erscheint am 06. März das neue Album von House Of Fools. Die Tracklist findet ihr in den Kommentaren.
Bei < Fuse > kann die komplette neue Live-CD/DVD Berth von The Used gestreamt werden.
Das Immergut Festival in Neustrelitz wird in diesem Jahr vom 1.-2. Juni stattfinden. Mit Tele, Jeans Team, Explosions In The Sky und Polarkreis 18 wurden nun die ersten Bands bestätigt. Außerdem ist heute der Vorverkauf gestartet. Das Kombiticket kostet in diesem Jahr 37 € + VVK-Gebühren.

Beitrag von: Christian an 01. 02 2007, 12:04

Greely Estates - Statement
For the past two and a half years I've lived out a dream of mine; traveling the country playing music with friends. It certainly hasn't always been easy, and it hasn't always been fun, but it has always been worth the work. I've had the oppurtunity to tour with bands that I admire and respect and some of the dudes in those bands have impacted my life in awesome ways. Two full Warped Tours, Taste of Chaos, and a dozen national tours with unforgettable memories to last a lifetime. Wait a second, did I actually tour with Billy Idol?!

I've loved contributing to a band that is truly special. My bandmates authentically care about their fans, and are genuinely good guys. I'd like to think that people could see something different in us. That upon meeting us, they would walk away feeling like they were appreciated and valued.

I've been blessed with some abilities, gifts, and talents. Playing music is one of them, but there are many others that are difficult to put to full use while touring nearly ten months of the year. When I started playing with Greeley, my passion for impacting kids in the classroom became impacting kids at their local music venues, and now my passions and dreams are changing again. I'm back at Arizona State now and will be getting my degree in biology education within the next year. I'm so excited to finish school and move on to even bigger passions and dreams.

An immeasurable amount of thought and careful consideration has gone into this decision, and I can honestly say I am leaving without any regrets. The greatest regret could come from not being true to my bandmates, to our fans, and to myself.

There are many people who made my time with Greeley the incredible experience that it has been. Stewart & Judi Teggart have been one of the biggest driving forces behind Greeley Estates for the past few years. They have cared for us as their own, guiding us through the pitfalls of the music industry, and loving us on a level far beyond professional. Stewart's unbreakable spirit has gotten us through tough times, and his enthusiasm has made the sweet moments even sweeter. Thank you Stewart!

My family has always been behind me. They supported me in my decision to put school on hold to follow my dreams in music. They pushed through crowds of kids in heavy eyeliner and tight jeans to watch me live in the moment. And now they have supported me in my return home. Guaranteed, the person saddest to see me leave Greeley Estates is my mom. Thank you, I love you.

Thank you to my friends here at home in Arizona and everyone across the US and Canada who has supported me and my bandmates. In coming to our shows, buying merchandise, and spoiling us with gifts and meals and more, you have kept us going.

I'm thankful that in parting, my relationships with Ryan, Brandon, Dallas, and Brian will remain strong as ever, as we all agree that my leaving is best for the band. Thank you for being such a huge part of my life these past couple of years. I feel like we've grown in ways we probably will never realize. Thank you for all of it. Word.

My final show will be Saturday Feb 10th at The Clubhouse, and I'd love to see all of you there!

"…you lose it all when you stop dreaming…" –Life Is A Garden

Ashes Of Pompeii - Tour 2007
22.02.07 mtc//koeln //+ hecuba + lockjaw
23.02.07 elfer//frankfurt
24.02.07 jz rapunzel//werne //+ distance in embrace
27.02.07 trauma//marburg//+tba 01.03.07 gogo//muenster //+ fell asleep
02.03.07 juz//haren
03.03.07 else//berlin
30.03.07 sackfabrik//magdeburg
14.04.07 der club//haldensleben +passadeena
29.04.07 muk//giessen + second monday
26.05.07 kaff cafe//rheinfelden //+ distance in embrace
27.05.07 contrast//konstanz //+ distance in embrace
08.06.07 abi-festival // meppen

United Nations - Statement
"We were supposed to record before we started this tour but my grandmother died on the last few days of the Rise Against tour so I needed to go home and deal with family stuff. We have a solid lineup and we have seven or eight songs written. We're gonna write a few more and put the record out later this year. It's going to take a little more planning because everyone is so busy. We lost a big block of time that we could have worked on it and the Glassjaw tour was so last minute and that also took away from time that we could have spent on it."

House Of Fools - Live And Learn
01. Introduction
02. It Could Be Easy
03. Until It's Over
04. My Life Before Today
05. Kiss The Haze
06. Me and Everyone I Know
07. What Are We Suppose To Do
08. Go Down
09. Better Part of Me
10. Interested
11. Pour Me Out
12. I Heard A Rumor
13. Coke and Smoke
14. Live and Learn

Beitrag von: Patrick an 01. 02 2007, 19:08

Hieß dieses gemeinsame Projekt von Palumbo und Rickley nicht früher anders?

Und, was Polarkreis 18 angeht: Hoffe, das Album hält das, was die EP verspricht...

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