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+---Thema: Neues AFI-Album im Sommer | Within Reach aufgelöst Eröffnet von Steffen

Beitrag von: Guest an 08. 03 2002, 19:20

Das nächste Album der frisch zu Dreamworks gewechselten AFI wird bereits im August in die Läden kommen. Anschließend ist eine Tour geplant.
Within Reach haben sich aufgelöst. Statement in den Comments.
Beitrag von: Guest an 08. 03 2002, 19:28

"We have decided to quit the band. We really tried to overcome the troubles we´ve faced the last couple of months but we felt the joy was lost. There´s no meaning in putting effort into a band we felt was more or less without a future. Our main reasons are as follows: Drummer Jonas is into a totally different style and technique than Jocke (who left in january), which gave us a feeling of doing cover-versions of ourselves. Singer Denny still hasn´t recovered his voice. He had serious problems with it already during the recording of 'Complaints Ignored' and it didn´t seem to get better. Without Denny there´s absolutely no chance we´d go on as Within Reach so we took the decision to end the band immidiately.

We wanna thank everyone who supported us during the years. Huge thanx to Björn, Jonas, Martin, Masse and the rest of the Bad Taste-crew! We had many great moments as Within Reach but now it´s time to move on. Jonas, Nicke, Björn and Magnus will continue to play together in Insula. The split mcd/7" mentioned somewhere below will soon be released and we´re looking at putting out an own mcd later this year, this time with Johan from Nine on vocals. Be prepared!
Over and out,
Björn, Magnus, Jonas, Denny and Niklas."

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