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+---Thema: Aereogramme lösen sich auf Eröffnet von florian

Beitrag von: florian an 11. 05 2007, 20:54

Traurige Nachricht aus Schottland. Die sympathischen Vollbärte von Aereogramme haben nach vier großartigen Alben überraschenderweise ihre Auflösung bekanntgegeben. Genauere Gründe könnt ihr in den Kommentaren erfahren. Die Festivalauftritte im Sommer bilden deshalb leider die letzte Möglichkeit, die Band noch einmal live zu erleben. Sehr sehr schade.
Beitrag von: florian an 11. 05 2007, 20:54

Sorry guys. Rocksound beat us to it but here is the the official word from the 'gramme camp.

It is with heavy hearts that we tell you all that Aereogramme have decided to split up. Reasons are multiple and complex. It is however fair to say that the never ending financial struggle coupled with an almost superhuman ability to dodge the zeitgeist have taken their toll, ensuring that we just don't have any fight left in us.
We are immensely proud of the four albums that we made over the past seven years. We hope that they continue to grow in your hearts.
We plan to honor and celebrate the beautiful friendships we have made along the way with these final shows over the summer.

30th Aberdeen Musichall*
31st Edinburgh Potterrow*

1st Glasgow Barrowlands*
16th Glasgow QMU
23rd Hurricane Festival. Scheesel, Germany
24th Southside Festival. Neuhausen, Germany

27th Omas Teich Festival. Grossefehn, Germany

31st Connect Festival. Inverary, Scotland.

*Main support to Biffy Clyro

We would like you all to consider our headline show at the QMU in Glasgow to be our farewell UK show and to view The Connect Festival in Inverary as a damn fine opportunity for everyone to see The Jesus And Marychain.
The Omas Teich festival is ironically our first festival headline slot. We would love to say goodbye to as many of our German friends as possible here.
Flowers will be graciously accepted at all performances.

Finally we want to thank you all for listening to our music and coming to our shows over the years. You have given us a glimpse of something truly special.

Aereogramme. x.

Beitrag von: florian an 11. 05 2007, 21:02

das ist übel :((((
Beitrag von: Ulrich an 11. 05 2007, 22:54

auf jeden. dann werd ich sie mir beim hurricane und omas teich definitiv ansehen.
Beitrag von: Patrick an 11. 05 2007, 23:56

aaaarrrrghhhh!!! nein! eine auflösung aus solch lapidaren gründen...ein trauriger tag...und noch ein grund mehr, zum hurricane zu fahren....
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