Sechs Jahre nach ihren letzten Shows in Deutschland, bestätigen sich nun die schon länger im Internet kursierenden Gerüchte um eine Reunion von As Friends Rust. Die Band hatte sich 2002 nach den Aufnahmen zur EP A Young Trophy Band in the Parlance of Our Times aufgelöst. Im Jahr zuvor war, nach unzähligen EPs, mit dem großartigen Won das einzige Album der Hardcore-Punks aus Gainsville veröffentlicht worden. Wer noch nichts von As Friends Rust gehört hat, besucht schnell und heimlich ihre MySpace-Seite und entscheidet sich dann, welche der zwei Deutschland-Shows er besuchen möchte: 19.08. - Köln, Underground / 21.08. - Leipzig, Conne Island. Alle weiteren Europa-Termine und ein Statement findet ihr in den Kommentaren.Nutzen wir gleich die Gelegenheit, um auch noch an die Tour der nächsten Legende zu erinnern und sagen mit der Booking-Agentur: "Don't miss out as THE staple of socially-aware thrashing punk comes through your town!" Anfang August ist es nämlich soweit. Auch Propagandhi kommen dann für vier Shows zurück nach Deutschland: 06.08. - Trier, Exhaus / 07.08 Bochum, Matrix / 08.08 Schweinfurt, Alter Stattbahnhof / 09.08 Karlsruhe, Substage
It's true. Florida's AS FRIENDS RUST returns to the stage after a six year hiatus, promising to deliver their unique brand of heartfelt hardcore/punk.
If you were frequenting shows from 1996-2002, there's a good chance you saw these guys. And if you've seen them, you loved them. That's just what happened.
With releases on some of the genre's foremost labels (Doghouse Records, Equal Vision Records, Defiance Records and Good Life Recordings) AS FRIENDS RUST quickly became a household name for fans of in-your-face, melodic, sing-a-long punk rock. Their style was ever-changing, but with a distinctive guitar sound that walked the line between tight hardcore hooks and loose indie-pop leads, you always knew exactly who you were listening to. Add to that a driving rhythm section and lyrics that were almost too personal and honest at times to be fully comfortable with, and you had yourself one of the most unique - and most missed - punk bands of the turn of the century.
Dodging fame (purposely, perhaps) even in the midst of their series of widely acclaimed releases, AS FRIENDS RUST was quite comfortable with their status as a cult band, leaving their fans voiceless, drenched in sweat, and possibly bearing a tattoo of the AFR logo.
And now they're back.
AS FRIENDS RUST takes the stage this August for an exclusive, handful of reunion shows with their longest-running lineup. Do. Not. Miss. Them.